Ello Ladies and Gents
Its that time again...Monday...ew. I dont know about where the rest of you are but here in California it is gale force raining. So heavy in fact that my cats are not willing to brave the outside world.
So I thought what better to do on a cold rainy Monday morning than share some fashion from the world that is SL.
Today I went for something simply, casual and sexy by pairing up three of my favorite clothing stores. NV, Corvus and Blacklace along with my recent addiction in hair from Magika.
What I love most about this outfit I think is that it looks sexy and yet comfortable. Not only that but I discovered some shoes I didnt realize I had (yet again) and just love them.
What is Sophie Wearing?
Hair:- Magika - Never [02]
Ears:- Logo - Classic Elf Ears
Choker:- :[P]: - Kelen Choker:// Shi
Shirt:- NV - Iron Knot Top - Bloody Black
Bra - Black Lace - Pirate Vixen (Bra Only)
Belt:- L&B - Womans Urban Belt (FATPACK) - "Fleur" Belt : Plain version
Jeans:- Corvus - Torn Skinny Jeans
Shoes:- Whatever - Summer Blacks
Find me on FB!! -- Ace Bergan (Sophia Sunshine Bishop)
Stalk me on Flickr!! -- Ace Bergan
Want something blogged? Like the look of something I didnt list?
Find me in world - Ace Bergan
Now...go forth and shop!!!